Posted Tuesday, July 03, 2012 7:33 AM By Life Lady
Have a great day off and be safe!
Posted Tuesday, July 03, 2012 8:34 AM By RWhite
To the CCD staff and my fellow posters , happy 4th , rest relax and enjoy , beer, BBQ, etc. Say a prayer of thanksgiving that you live in such a country that despite it's many problems is still blessed in many ways.
Posted Tuesday, July 03, 2012 10:21 AM By Bud
The California Catholic is appreciated everywhere including here in Ohio. Enjoy your day off!
Posted Tuesday, July 03, 2012 11:41 AM By Dana
Have a very Happy 4th of July everyone! If you have time, re-read the Declaration of Independence. It really makes the day special.
Posted Wednesday, July 04, 2012 8:03 AM By JLS
Barbecuing all those quail and chukar that I freely harvested last winter, with the help of countless souls having shed their blood to provide a land free enough in some regions to bring home my own bacon without govt red tape. Yes, it is much more expensive than buying the costliest meat in the supermarket, but likewise salvation is more expensive than a canned sermon or guidance from the USCCB.
Posted Wednesday, July 04, 2012 2:18 PM By max
don't look now, JLS, but the govermnet is watching you via satellite and figuring out your taxes for next year on those chukar...things. is it a bird? a plane? an alien? happy 4th of july to you and your dogs. have them bite an enlgishman in honor of indiependence day. just a thought.
Posted Thursday, July 05, 2012 11:47 PM By JLS
max, there were so many fireworks around here that those spy satellites all ended up with cracked camera lenses. Normally I hop in jeep and four wheel it up to a hill top, with the dogs of course, and then watch 200 square miles of both various community fireworks and ... uh ... bandit fireworks. You see the squad cars racing one way and another all over the place trying to pin down the patriot-terrorists (patriists? terroiots?) ... it's the keystone cops live. Maybe get a news camera crew up here next year and start a cops and fire works terrorists gambling network??!! Camera would spot the fireworks, and then the cop cars, and then the bookies would start the betting to see if there'd be any busts. Go international via satellite wifi.